Talk:User Tips & Tricks
From Qmailtoaster
Automated Backup and restore
How to Backup your qmailtoster server to an other server. Through necessity, I have created a Backup server ( server2 ) to act as a copy of my main qmailserver ( server1 ) and automated the process.
Note this is not the only method , and I give no guarantees it will work for you. I installed two server identically using QMT.iso Centos 5 version from our great friend Jake Vickers. I also purchased and installed qcontrol for ease , and it is great.
Login to server 1 (your IP address ) cd /root
Create the Key file ssh-keygen -t dsa ( this will be called id_dsa_pub ) in the /root/.ssh/ folder
Check the file exists cd .ssh/ ls
Copy file to Server 2 ( your IP address ) scp root@ enter root password on server 2
SSH to server 2 ssh root@ enter root password again
Check the file came across cd /root/.ssh ls
Add the key to the authorized_keys files cat >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Your server 2 is now setup to allow root to login from server1.
Exit and login again, it should not ask for a password if all went well.
ssh root@ exit, back to server 1.
Your back up should be in the /backup/ Called something like 200904280102-backup.tar.gz
( year, month, date, time-backup.tar.gz )
Depending on your system, it can take hours. So I created a script, to backup then SCP the backup to server 2
Here is mine: /root/
mkdir /saved ( for older backup tar files )
#!/bin/sh # run backup command /usr/sbin/qtp-backup # # Copy file to server 2 using SCP to the /root folder cd /backup scp *-backup.tar.gz root@ exit
save the file , and make it executable: chmod +x
On server 1 make a cron job to run the backup (mine is at 02:00 ) crontab -e
* 2 * * * /root/
The scrip will copy all *-backup.tar.gz, so make sure there is only the current, move older backups to other folder. On server2
Thanks to Erik, modify the qtp-restore script. Change: read -p "Please enter your MySQL Root password: " mysqlrootpass
to read -p "Please enter your MySQL Root password: " mysqlrootpass mysqlrootpass=your_password
Save it ..
create a cron job for the restore : i run mine at 04:00
* 4 * * * /usr/sbin/qtp-restore
Login to server2 and double check everything restored, you may have to reboot , not sure yet.
Hope this helps someone, as it was to late for me. All my tests worked, this is a true working environment, not a Lab test.