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Mandriva 2006.0 QmailToaster Install

From Qmailtoaster

EZ QmailToaster Fresh Install on Mandriva 2006.0 Nick Hemmesch <nick@ndhsoft.com> June 08, 2006

Mandriva 2006.0 - This test install was performed on an opteron 270 with 2GB ram on a MSI m/b.

This tutorial is for Mandriva 2006.0 x86_64 (mdk10364)

To install Mandriva 2006 i586, replace mdk10364 with mdk103


You must have either a local dns server or a local caching name server. If you need a caching namserver, we will add one in Step 8.

Be sure to replace "your-domain.com" with your real domain name, and "your.fqdn.com" with your server's "Fully Qualified Domain Name".

1. Download Mandriva 2006.0 CD iso's or the DVD iso.

 Burn iso's to CD, or DVD if you downloded a DVD iso
 Boot with your CD 1 or the DVD

2. Mandriva Installation (This is the configuration of my test box):

 Splash Page: <enter> to install or upgrade 
 Language Choice: Select your language & Click "Next"
 License agreement: Select "Accept" and Click "Next" 
 Security: Select "Standard" & Click "Next"
 Disk Partitioning Setup: Select "Automatically Partition & Click "Next"
     This will look different if drive contains a previous installation.
 Verify that you have all the CDs for your install: Click "Next"
 If you do not have supplemental media to configure: Click "Next"

3. Package Group Selection - Select ONLY the following groups:

 Configuration: Select
 Console Tools: Select
 Development: Select
 Web/FTP: Select
 Database: Select
 Firewall/Router: Select
 Click "Next"

 Do you really want to install these servers?: Select "Yes" & Click "Next"

 Click "Details" to watch the installation. It will take a while.

4. Configure installation:

 Set administrator (root) password: Enter password twice & Click "Next"
 Add user: Add, at least, you & Click "Next"

 Keyboard: Select per your needs & Click "Next"
 Timezone: Select your timezone & Click "Next"
     Hardware clock set to GMT: Select
     Auto time sync (using NTP): Select & Click "Next"
     NTP Server: Select "World Wide (pool.ntp.org)" & Click "Next"
 Network & Internet Configuration: Select "LAN connection" & Click "Next"
 Select your network interface: Select & Click "Next"
 Configure network device: Select "Manual configutation" & Click "Next"
     IP address: Enter your "IP address"
     Netmask: Enter your "Netmask"
     Network Hotplugging: Select
     Start on boot: Select & Click "Next"
     Hostname: Enter your server's "hostname" (FQDN)  
     DNS Server 1: Enter your "Primary DNS Server IP address"
     DNS Server 2: Enter your "Secondary DNS Server IP address"
     DNS Server 3: Enter "Additional DNS Server IP address" (if available)
     Gateway: Enter the "IP address of your gateway" & Click "Next"
     Zeroconf Hostname: Do not enter anything, Click "Next"
     Do you allow users to start the connection: Select "No" & Click "Next
     Click "Finish"
 Summary: You should need no further configuration, Click "Next"
     You have not configures X: Select "Yes" & Clock "OK"
 Updates: Select "Yes" & Click "Next"
 Congratulations: Click "Reboot"

5. After reboot, login as root:

 mkdir -p /usr/src/qtms-install
 cd /usr/src/qtms-install

6. Prepare to Install QmailToaster:

 wget http://www.qmailtoaster.com/mandriva/mdk10364/mdk10364-deps.sh
     sh mdk10364-deps.sh

 wget http://www.qmailtoaster.com/mandriva/mdk10364/mdk10364-perl.sh
     sh mdk10364-perl.sh

 wget http://www.qmailtoaster.com/mandriva/mdk10364/firewall.sh
     nano -w firewall.sh
     edit MYIP="your-IP-address"
     ctl-o and enter to save
     ctl-x to exit
     sh firewall.sh

 === NOTE ===
 You need to be sure that apache and mysql are running.


7. Get QmailToaster Packages:

 cd /usr/src/qtms-install

 wget http://www.qmailtoaster.com/info/current-download-script.sh
     sh current-download-script.sh

 This script downloads all necessary packages into you current
 directory (should be /usr/src/qtms-install/).

8. Install QmailToaster Packages:

 wget http://www.qmailtoaster.com/mandriva/mdk10364/mdk10364-install-script.sh

Edit the line 171 of mdk103-install-script.sh

Note:!!! Change noarch to $ARCH

     sh mdk10364-install-script.sh

9. Add djbdns (if you don't want bind)

 rpm -e --nodeps bind bind-devel caching-nameserver
 rpmbuild --rebuild --with mdk10364 djbdns*.src.rpm
 rpm -Uvh ../RPM/RPMS/x86_64/djbdns-localcache*.rpm
 echo "search your-domain.com" > /etc/resolv.conf
 echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf


10. Setup QmailToaster:

 qmailctl stat
 (Should look somewhat like this)
     [root@gateway ~]# qmailctl stat
     authlib: up (pid 2425) 65 seconds
     clamd: up (pid 2425) 65 seconds
     imap4: up (pid 2421) 65 seconds
     imap4-ssl: up (pid 2423) 65 seconds
     pop3: up (pid 2414) 65 seconds
     pop3-ssl: up (pid 2409) 65 seconds
     send: up (pid 2416) 65 seconds
     smtp: up (pid 2418) 65 seconds
     spamd: up (pid 2407) 65 seconds
     authlib/log: up (pid 2417) 65 seconds
     clamd/log: up (pid 2417) 65 seconds
     imap4/log: up (pid 2422) 65 seconds
     imap4-ssl/log: up (pid 2424) 65 seconds
     pop3/log: up (pid 2415) 65 seconds
     pop3-ssl/log: up (pid 2413) 65 seconds
     send/log: up (pid 2420) 65 seconds
     smtp/log: up (pid 2419) 65 seconds
     spamd/log: up (pid 2408) 65 seconds
     [root@gateway ~]#

 Add a domain:
     /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain your-domain.com <postmaster-password>

 Add a user:
     /home/vpopmail/bin/vadduser you@your-domain.com <your-password>

 Edit /etc/php.ini and set register_globals = On
     service httpd restart  
 Bring up your browser and go to:
       Username: admin
       Password: toaster
     Change your password . . . 

 Edit /etc/php.ini and set register_globals = Off
     service httpd restart  
 Check your mail server:
     login with your full email address and your password
     Send yourself an email - should show right away
     Send an email to yourself if you have another address
     Go to your other email account and reply to the message you sent

 If Isoqlog doesn't show right away, do this:
     sh /usr/share/toaster/isoqlog/bin/cron.sh

11. Add domainkeys:

 Make dir for yourdomain.com: 
     mkdir /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/your-domain.com 

 Make domainkey (Remove the "\"): 
     dknewkey /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/your-domain.com/private > \
     chown root:qmail /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/your-domain.com/private
     chmod 444 /var/qmail/control/domainkeys/your-domain.com/private

 Make dns entry: 
     BIND - in the your-domain.com zone file (see yourdomain-dk.txt):
        private._domainkey IN TXT "k=rsa; p=MEwwDQY . . . to end of key" 
     DJBDNS - in /var/djbdns/tinydns/root/data (make from your-domain-dk.txt): 
       '_domainkey.your-domain.com:o=-; r=postmaster@your-domain.com 
       'private._domainkey.your-domain.com:k=rsa; p=MEwwDQY . . . to end of key 

 Test your mailserver:
     In squirrelmail, send a test email, select View Full Header and you
     should find something like the following:
     ----------- snip ------------
     DomainKey-Status: good 
     Received: by simscan 1.2.0 ppid: 22641, pid: 22644, t: 0.8416s
          scanners: clamav: 0.88.2/m:38/d:1476 spam: 3.1.1
     X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.1 (2006-03-10) on ndh1.whatgives.org
     X-Spam-Level: *
     X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.6 required=5.0 tests=FROM_DOMAIN_NOVOWEL 
          autolearn=no version=3.1.1
     Received: from unknown (HELO ns1.ndhsdns.com) (
          by ndh1.whatgives.org with (DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA encrypted) SMTP; 22 May 2006 20:03:36 -0000
     Received-SPF: pass (ndh1.whatgives.org: SPF record at ndhsdns.com designates as permitted sender)
     Received: (qmail 28034 invoked by uid 89); 22 May 2006 20:03:36 -0000
     Comment: DomainKeys? See http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys
     DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
          s=private; d=ndhsdns.com;
          b=XVKQZe446BXMnSoQKvgchf0DRx4v8YQYZn5KVLj5O8XYf7V1dX7ETaJ1VGWGp5Bf ;
     Received: from unknown (HELO www.ndhsdns.com) (
          by ns1.ndhsdns.com with SMTP; 22 May 2006 20:03:36 -0000
     ----------- snip ------------

12. Logs for all packages except freshclam are at:

 Freshclam is at /var/log/clamav

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This page has been accessed 12,238 times. This page was last modified on 18 June 2007, at 11:14. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.


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