Fedora 14 i686 Notes
From Qmailtoaster
Qmailtoaster on Fedora 14, i686, kernel #1 SMP
(January 2011, Atanas Rusev, toltec@clubextreme.org)
Thanks to people making qmailtoaster available!
- note i686 arch, x64 is similiar, change some simple things
1. Prerequisits
- yum update
- Turn off firewall/iptables
- Turn off SELINUX
- Setup host to be with FQDN
- Tune system services if needed
- Install LAMP (http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-apache2-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-fedora-14-lamp)
- Edit /etc/php.ini and set register_globals = On, restart httpd
2. Download scripts from (http://www.qmailtoaster.com/distro/fedora/fedora14/)
they are original one from fedora_12 with simple changes - in them moment they are at:
3. Run scripts
sh fedora14-deps.sh
rpm -Uvh http://qtp.qmailtoaster.com/trac/downloads/1 yum install qmailtoaster-plus qtp-dependencies
sh fedora14-perl.sh
ln -s /usr/include/et/com_err.h /usr/include/com_err.h
4. Setting up mysql for vpopmail
mysql -p create database vpopmail; grant all privileges on vpopmail.* to vpopmail@localhost identified by 'Y0urpassword'; flush privileges; quit
5. Download Packages
sh current-download-script.sh
- note: CHECK and if some of the packages failed to download simple wget *from http://www.qmailtoaster.com/ Stable Packages,
- or simply get all of them from:
- http://test.vreloto.com/fedora14-qmailtoaster/
6. Install Packages
ln -s /usr/lib /usr/lib64 # note: i686 - lmysqlclient error, ezml package
sh fedora_14-install-script.sh
7. QmailToaster Configuration
vi /home/vpopmail/etc/vpopmail.mysql
and put there Y0urpassword
continue with QmailToaster Configuration at http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/CentOS_5_QmailToaster_Install
- if you have issue with empty menus in admin-toaster: http://wiki.qmailtoaster.org/index.php/Troubleshooting resolves it ;).
- note: for x64 all is similiar just change some simple things ;)