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Basic fail2ban installation and setup



Install EPEL Repos

     # rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
     # rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/4/i386/epel-release-4-10.noarch.rpm

Instal fail2ban:

     # yum install fail2ban


To work with Qmail/vpopmail, a filter and jail should be defined.

Configure Filter

Create a filter on folder /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ or edit existing filename. The filename is the filter name

     # vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/password-fail.conf
     #Looks for failed password logins to SMTP
     failregex = vchkpw-smtp: password fail ([^)]*) [^@]*@[^:]*:<HOST>
     ignoreregex =
     # vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/username-notfound.conf 
     # Option: failregex
     # Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. 
     # The host must be matched by a group named "host". The tag "<HOST>" can
     # be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for
     # (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S+)
     # Values: TEXT
     failregex = vchkpw-smtp: vpopmail user not found .*:<HOST>
     # Option: ignoreregex
     # Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
     # Values: TEXT
     ignoreregex = 
     # vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/dos-hosts.conf 
     failregex = rblsmtpd: <HOST> .*: 451 Blocked
          CHKUSER rejected relaying: from <.*:> remote <.*:.*:<HOST>> rcpt <.*> : client not allowed to relay
          CHKUSER rejected rcpt: from <.*:> remote <.*:.*:<HOST>> rcpt <.*> : not existing recipient
      .* rblsmtpd: <HOST>
     # vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/vpopmail.conf:
     # Fail2Ban configuration file
     # Author: Christoph Haas
     # Modified by: Ole Johansen - CDS
     # $Revision: 510 $
     # Option: failregex
     # Notes.: regex to match the password failures messages in the logfile. 
     # The host must be matched by a group named "host". The tag "<HOST>" can
     # be used for standard IP/hostname matching and is only an alias for
     # (?:::f{4,6}:)?(?P<host>\S+)
     # Values: TEXT
     failregex = vchkpw-pop3: vpopmail user not found .*@:<HOST>
     # Option: ignoreregex
     # Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
     # Values: TEXT
     ignoreregex =
     # vi /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/squirrelmail.conf
     # squirrelmail's Fail2Ban configuration file
     # you must install the squirrel_logger plugin into Squirrelmail
     # to use this filter/jail
     # the failregex value must match the line written in squirrelmail.log
     # the example below is using Italian
     failregex = \[LOGIN_ERROR\].*from <HOST>: Utente sconosciuto o password errata
     ignoreregex =

Configure Jail

Create a jail (add/edit these lines) on /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf file

     # vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf  
     # password-fail
     enabled  = true
     filter   = password-fail
     action   = iptables[name=SMTP, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
     logpath  = /var/log/maillog
     maxretry = 3
     bantime  = 86400
     findtime = 3600
     # username-notfound
     enabled = true
     filter = username-notfound
     action = iptables[name=SMTP, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
     logpath = /var/log/maillog
     maxretry = 3
     bantime  = 86400
     findtime = 3600
     # dos-hosts - Hosts insisting on delivering spam
     enabled = true
     filter = dos-hosts
     action = iptables[name=SMTP, port=smtp, protocol=tcp]
     logpath = /var/log/qmail/smtp/current
     maxretry = 5
     bantime  = 86400
     findtime = 3600
     # vpopmail
     enabled = true
     port = pop3
     filter = vpopmail
     action = iptables[name=pop3, port=pop3, protocol=tcp]
            sendmailwhois[name=pop3,dest=y...@email.domain, sender=em...@adr]
     logpath = /var/log/maillog
     maxretry = 3
     bantime = -1
     # squirrelmail
     enabled  = true
     filter   = squirrelmail
     action   = iptables[name=SquirrelMail, port=http, protocol=tcp]
      sendmail-whois[name=SquirrelMail,dest=root, sender=fail2ban@example.it]
     # adjust logpath with Squirrelmail's squirrel_logger plugin log
     logpath  = /var/log/squirrelmail.log
     maxretry = 5

Test Filter

Test the filter file (Returns something like this, with n matches for the regex or 0 if no matches):

     # fail2ban-regex /var/log/maillog /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/password-fail.conf
     |- Regular expressions:
     |  [1] vchkpw-smtp: password fail ([^)]*) [^@]*@[^:]*:<HOST>
     `- Number of matches:
       [1] 123 match(es)

Reload Config

     # fail2ban-client stop
     # fail2ban-client start

Check Jail Status

     # fail2ban-client status password-fail
     Status for the jail: password-fail
     |- filter
     |  |- File list:        /var/log/maillog
     |  |- Currently failed: 7
     |  `- Total failed:     225
     `- action
       |- Currently banned: 109
       | `- IP list: (...)
        `- Total banned:     109


Once its starts running and the logs have matching strings, it will create iptables rules dropping that IP. But when fail2ban reload and/or iptables restart and/or rebooting and/or the weekly logrotate, those rules are gone. bye bye! So what to do?

     # service iptables save
     # service iptables restart

Basic admin stuff

        # fail2ban-client status vpopmail-fail
        # iptables -L -nv
        # cat /etc/fail2ban/ip.deny
        # iptables -D fail2ban-SMTP -s -j DROP


[0] http://www.mail-archive.com/qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com/msg30514.html

[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com/msg30551.html

[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#howtouse

[3] http://n8wood.wordpress.com/2009/06/22/fail2ban-permanent-ssh-bans/

[4] fail2ban homepage: http://www.fail2ban.org

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This page has been accessed 15,296 times. This page was last modified on 9 December 2011, at 08:57. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.


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