Clickable Banner
From Qmailtoaster
- Login as root to your server
- Go to Squirrelmail folder
cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/src
- Make a backup of the original login.php
cp login.php
- Edit the file login.php
vi login.php
- Add the text right at the bottom of the file, after:
do_hook('login_bottom'); ?> <div style="text-align: center;"><a h ref=" your_url " target="_blank"> <img height="60" width="468" alt="any text here" src="../images/yourimage.png"></a></div> </body></html>
- Copy your image in "png" format to (using sftp or ant other means) /usr/share/squirrelmail/images
- Check permissions, should be owned by root:root, and 0644 if not run these commands:
cd /usr/share/squirrelmail/images chown root:root yourimage.png chmod 644 yourimage.png
- Load up your webmail site, you should see your new clickable image.
Remove space from html code
Originally my image would NOT show up. To fix, I copied the default logo (sm_logo.png) to my PC, opened it in an image editor, select all, hit delete. I also opened my logo, did select all, copy, and paste it onto the now empty default squirrelmail logo.
Saved as sm_logo2.png, copied back to /usr/share/squirrelmail/image, and set the correct logo name in the login.php file and Voila