Adding greylisting to QMT
From Qmailtoaster
Note, this method is deprecated, in favor of using spamdyke.
Based on: and
Download qmail-greyd and configure it
cd /var/qmail/bin wget chmod +x qmail-greyd mkdir /var/qmail/grey chown vpopmail.vchkpw /var/qmail/grey
Add ,GREY=”" to the :allow statement at the bottom of /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp
vi /etc/tcprules/tcp.smtp
Add GREYD paramater to /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run
vi /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run
#!/bin/sh<br> QMAILDUID=`id -u vpopmail` NOFILESGID=`id -g vpopmail` MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming` BLACKLIST=`cat /var/qmail/control/blacklists` SMTPD="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd" TCP_CDB="/etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp.cdb" RBLSMTPD="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd" HOSTNAME=`hostname` VCHKPW="/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw" REQUIRE_AUTH=0 GREYD="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-greyd" exec /usr/bin/softlimit -m 27000000 \ /usr/bin/tcpserver -v -R -H -l $HOSTNAME -x $TCP_CDB -c "$MAXSMTPD" \ -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp \ $GREYD $RBLSMTPD $BLACKLIST $SMTPD $VCHKPW /bin/true 2>&1
Re-built tcprules and re-start qmail
service qmail cdb service qmail restart